My Dad is the Editor of a small independent newspaper here in Missoula, called The Regular Joe . For February's upcoming edition he is running several stories about the local ski hill, Snowbowl. One of the stories is about the wonderful sense of community there and my tasty caramels are mentioned. I've included the article by Bob Tutsky below:
“Community” - (with a capital “K”, oops, make that a capital “C”) is what makes Snowbowl special. Besides the “where everyone knows your name” Cheers like atmosphere, I had an experience recently that I thought summed up what Snowbowl was all about.
About mid-afternoon last Sunday, just before hopping on the Grizzly chair, Mija the pass checker, a beautiful young lady by every definition, offered my friend and I homemade caramel candies. She said another fellow skier had given her more caramels than she could eat. The homemade caramels, were made by the daughter of another hardcore Snowbowl skier. We hopped on the chair and ate our caramels as we rode up, they were just the sustenance we needed to finish off an afternoon of Bowl skiing. Besides being awfully tasty, I was struck by the sense of community that the homemade caramels represented. It all came full circle - they were made by another hard core Snowbowl skiers daughter’s as shared by her dad with a lifty and then shared by the lifty with other Snowbowl skiers. That seems like a pretty good description of “community” to me.
Bob Tutskey